Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Dec-24  Buy Simon Cooper 228.00p 3,000,000 £6,839,999.91
03-Dec-24  Buy Jon Wormald 208.50p 7,490 £15,616.65
03-Dec-24  Buy Shaun Morton 208.50p 12,013 £25,047.11
25-Mar-24  Sell Richard Pennycook 156.00p 38,333 £59,799.48
25-Mar-24  Buy Richard Pennycook 155.00p 38,333 £59,416.15

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Dec-24  Buy Simon Cooper 228.00p 3,000,000 £6,839,999.91
25-Mar-24  Sell Richard Pennycook 156.00p 38,333 £59,799.48
25-Mar-24  Buy Richard Pennycook 155.00p 38,333 £59,416.15
03-Dec-24  Buy Shaun Morton 208.50p 12,013 £25,047.11
03-Dec-24  Buy Jon Wormald 208.50p 7,490 £15,616.65

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Simon Cooper 18,521,226 £46,488,277.08
Shaun Morton 145,102 £364,206.02
Richard Pennycook 48,267 £121,150.17
Zoe Harris 43,258 £108,577.58
Jon Wormald 14,896 £37,388.96
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Mawer Investment Management Ltd. 20,456,810 £51,346,592.90
FMR LLC 16,699,105 £41,914,753.39
Mawer Investment Management Ltd. 16,460,473 £41,315,787.07
Mawer Investment Management Ltd. 8,259,902 £20,732,353.94
AXA Investment Managers 8,122,971 £20,388,657.13
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.