Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
09-Aug-24  Sell Hugo Tudor 753.68p 13,000 £97,978.40
28-Jun-24  Buy Richard Woodman 750.00p 2,118 £15,885.00
28-Jun-24  Buy Nigel S Terrington 750.00p 3,352 £25,140.00
19-Mar-24  Buy Graeme Yorston 664.85p 475 £3,158.05
13-Mar-24  Buy Hugo Tudor 681.67p 9,659 £65,842.51

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
31-Jan-24  Sell Nigel S Terrington 705.63p 257,936 £1,820,072.24
31-Jan-24  Sell Richard Woodman 705.63p 91,322 £644,394.88
31-Jan-24  Sell Nigel S Terrington 705.63p 44,084 £311,069.66
06-Dec-23  Buy Nigel S Terrington 526.17p 39,542 £208,058.15
31-Jan-24  Sell Richard Woodman 705.63p 27,764 £195,910.95

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Nigel S Terrington 1,317,185 £9,714,239.38
Richard Woodman 586,723 £4,327,082.13
Hugo Tudor 59,659 £439,985.13
Robert East 10,000 £73,750.00
Graeme Yorston 8,642 £63,734.75
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited 13,135,083 £96,871,237.13
J O Hambro Capital Management Limited 12,893,804 £95,091,804.50
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 12,718,482 £93,798,804.75
Franklin Templeton Fund Management Limited 12,413,134 £91,546,863.25
M&G Plc 11,857,580 £87,449,652.50
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.