Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
17-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 211.00p 1,889 £3,985.79
17-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 211.50p 1,949 £4,122.14
17-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 212.00p 1,876 £3,977.12
17-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 212.50p 3,919 £8,327.88
16-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 204.00p 4,214 £8,596.56

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 200.00p 6,417 £12,834.00
16-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 204.00p 4,214 £8,596.56
16-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 203.00p 4,214 £8,554.42
16-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 205.50p 4,107 £8,439.89
17-May-24  Buy Philippe Hamers 212.50p 3,919 £8,327.88

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Geoff Wilding 22,438,650 £29,933,158.91
Philippe Hamers 261,648 £349,038.43
Andrew Harrison 207,725 £277,105.15
Gavin Petken 8,016 £10,693.34
Brian Morgan 2,500 £3,335.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
The Spruce House Partnership LP 22,686,326 £30,263,558.69
Spruce House Investment Management LLC 21,478,530 £28,652,358.84
Wood River Capital, LLC 12,500,000 £16,674,999.89
KED Victoria Investments, LLC 12,500,000 £16,674,999.89
Vulcan Value Partners, LLC 10,208,477 £13,618,108.23
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.