Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
20-Dec-24  Buy Vishal Sikka $16.90 1,874 $26,123.27
20-Dec-24  Buy Jeannie Lee $16.90 542 $7,555.40
20-Dec-24  Buy Jesse Goodman $16.90 542 $7,555.40
20-Dec-24  Buy Harry (Hal) C. Dietz $16.90 542 $7,555.40
20-Dec-24  Buy Anne Beal $16.90 542 $7,555.40

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Apr-24  Buy Dividends Hal Barron $39.79 2,906,213 $95,366,062.48
16-Apr-24  Buy Dividends Emma Walmsley 1,611.28p 1,840,922 £29,662,409.10
16-Feb-24  Sell Emma Walmsley 1,657.97p 139,792 £2,317,709.49
01-Feb-24  Buy Julie Brown 1,582.80p 19,360 £306,430.08
16-Aug-24  Buy Dividends Hal Barron 4,128.00p 2,735 £112,907.49

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Vishal Sikka 253,471,337 £3,396,515,819.11
Hal Barron 3,384,471 £45,351,910.11
Emma Walmsley 2,196,530 £29,433,501.16
Jonathan Symonds 64,793 £868,226.18
Julie Brown 42,665 £571,710.98
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Dodge & Cox 253,464,108 £3,396,418,950.51
Dodge & Cox 253,464,108 £3,396,418,950.51
BlackRock Inc 231,975,400 £3,108,470,271.51
GSK plc 197,068,169 £2,640,713,389.42
The Capital Group Companies, Inc. 159,068,073 £2,131,512,117.52
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.