Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
23-Jul-24  Sell Jennifer Ward 2,611.00p 3,986 £104,074.46
23-Jul-24  Sell Marc Ronchetti 2,611.00p 6,958 £181,673.38
27-Jun-24  Sell Jennifer Ward 2,680.00p 5,738 £153,778.40
27-Jun-24  Sell Marc Ronchetti 2,680.00p 7,162 £191,941.59
19-Mar-24  Buy Liam Condon €26.12 1,000 €23,531.53

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
27-Jun-24  Sell Marc Ronchetti 2,680.00p 7,162 £191,941.59
23-Jul-24  Sell Marc Ronchetti 2,611.00p 6,958 £181,673.38
27-Jun-24  Sell Jennifer Ward 2,680.00p 5,738 £153,778.40
23-Jul-24  Sell Jennifer Ward 2,611.00p 3,986 £104,074.46
22-Sep-23  Buy Steve Gunning 1,933.87p 1,551 £29,994.32

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Marc Ronchetti 132,192 £3,291,580.75
Jennifer Ward 72,501 £1,805,274.87
Dame Louise Makin 10,000 £249,000.00
Dharmash Mistry 2,563 £63,818.70
Steve Gunning 2,498 £62,200.20
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
BlackRock Inc 23,932,882 £595,928,752.67
Massachusetts Financial Services Company 18,959,209 £472,084,296.87
MFS Investment Management 18,959,209 £472,084,296.87
The Capital Group Companies, Inc 18,937,722 £471,549,270.58
Sprucegrove Investment Management Ltd 18,776,510 £467,535,091.84
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.