Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
28-Jun-24  Buy Matthew Lester 136.49p 7,340 £10,018.37
12-Jun-24  Buy Dividends Clive Watson 139.27p 490 £682.42
03-Jun-24  Buy Dividends Margaret Hassall 148.77p 200 £297.54
31-May-24  Buy Dividends Clive Watson 148.33p 454 £673.42
27-Oct-23  Buy Matthew Lester 100.20p 24,950 £24,999.90

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
14-Sep-23  Buy Justin R Atkinson 92.56p 43,212 £39,997.03
27-Oct-23  Buy Matthew Lester 100.20p 24,950 £24,999.90
28-Jun-24  Buy Matthew Lester 136.49p 7,340 £10,018.37
14-Sep-23  Buy Alison Atkinson 92.55p 10,738 £9,938.02
12-Jun-24  Buy Dividends Clive Watson 139.27p 490 £682.42

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Andrew Davies 1,528,582 £2,204,215.29
Simon Kesterton 1,098,872 £1,584,573.46
Matthew Lester 149,821 £216,041.89
Clive Watson 124,772 £179,921.23
Justin R Atkinson 89,308 £128,782.14
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Aggregate of abrdn plc 26,075,647 £37,601,083.79
Woodford Investment Management Ltd 22,901,145 £33,023,451.81
BlackRock, Inc. 22,575,847 £32,554,372.08
Pendal Group Limited 22,493,625 £32,435,807.96
Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen plc 22,341,523 £32,216,476.87
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.