Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
01-Aug-24  Sell John Roberts 117.30p 6,000,000 £7,037,999.87
01-Aug-24  Sell Chris Hopkinson 117.30p 2,000,000 £2,345,999.96
06-Mar-24  Buy Chris Hopkinson 90.00p 14,000 £12,600.00
06-Mar-24  Buy Chris Hopkinson 90.70p 344,961 £312,879.63
24-Nov-23  Buy Chris Hopkinson 85.00p 305,036 £259,280.61

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
01-Aug-24  Sell John Roberts 117.30p 6,000,000 £7,037,999.87
01-Aug-24  Sell Chris Hopkinson 117.30p 2,000,000 £2,345,999.96
06-Mar-24  Buy Chris Hopkinson 90.70p 344,961 £312,879.63
24-Nov-23  Buy Chris Hopkinson 85.00p 305,036 £259,280.61
16-Oct-23  Buy Chris Hopkinson 82.30p 289,063 £237,898.85

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
John Roberts 97,643,526 £106,431,446.60
Chris Hopkinson 22,280,429 £24,285,668.35
Mark Higgins 206,802 £225,414.19
Geoff Cooper 154,274 £168,158.67
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Frasers Group plc 138,267,881 £150,711,994.91
Camelot Capital Partners LLC 118,459,508 £129,120,867.67
Odey Asset Management LLP 99,579,230 £108,541,364.02
John Roberts 97,649,874 £106,438,365.92
Phoenix Asset Management Partners Limited 34,251,300 £37,333,918.14
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.