Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
11-Sep-24  Sell Isabel Urquhart 2,200.00p 2,250 £49,500.00
11-Sep-24  Sell Craig Preston 2,200.00p 24,000 £528,000.00
11-Sep-24  Sell Keith Neilson 2,200.00p 423,750 £9,322,500.00
31-Oct-23  Exercise of option Craig Preston 1,147.50p 1,568 £17,992.80
31-Oct-23  Exercise of option Keith Neilson 1,147.50p 1,568 £17,992.80

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
11-Sep-24  Sell Keith Neilson 2,200.00p 423,750 £9,322,500.00
11-Sep-24  Sell Craig Preston 2,200.00p 24,000 £528,000.00
11-Sep-24  Sell Isabel Urquhart 2,200.00p 2,250 £49,500.00
24-Oct-23  Buy Will Whitehorn 1,560.00p 1,600 £24,960.00
31-Oct-23  Exercise of option Craig Preston 1,147.50p 1,568 £17,992.80

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Keith Neilson 3,043,957 £67,880,238.78
Craig Preston 76,417 £1,704,099.04
Isabel Urquhart 9,245 £206,163.49
Will Whitehorn 4,589 £102,334.70
Russ Rudish 1,095 £24,418.50
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Liontrust Investment Partners LLP 3,874,918 £86,410,668.44
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc 2,667,773 £59,491,335.86
William Gordon Craig 2,342,756 £52,243,457.01
W G Craig 2,340,756 £52,198,857.01
Hargreave Hale 2,055,756 £45,843,357.23
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.