Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-Oct-24  Buy Matthaios Rigas 850.00p 40,000 £340,000.00
24-Sep-24  Buy Panagiotis Benos 868.86p 8,000 £69,508.80
30-Jul-24  Buy Andrew Donald Bartlett 998.20p 5,554 £55,440.03
30-Jul-24  Sell Andrew Donald Bartlett 994.80p 5,554 £55,251.19
02-Apr-24  Sell Panagiotis Benos 1,065.00p 21,514 £229,124.09

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
02-Oct-24  Buy Matthaios Rigas 850.00p 40,000 £340,000.00
02-Apr-24  Sell Panagiotis Benos 1,065.00p 21,514 £229,124.09
02-Apr-24  Sell Matthaios Rigas 1,065.00p 9,990 £106,393.50
24-Sep-24  Buy Panagiotis Benos 868.86p 8,000 £69,508.80
30-Jul-24  Buy Andrew Donald Bartlett 998.20p 5,554 £55,440.03

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Efstathios Topouzoglou 33,243,938 £350,723,552.24
Matthaios Rigas 15,722,546 £165,872,863.30
Panagiotis Benos 3,051,785 £32,196,332.33
Karen Simon 136,568 £1,440,792.43
Martin Houston 8,500 £89,675.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Efstathios Topouzoglou 16,377,249 £172,779,980.07
Trustena GmbH 16,228,599 £171,211,722.55
Oilco Investments Limited 16,016,734 £168,976,546.75
Growthy Holdings Co. Limited 13,948,260 £147,154,145.66
Clal Insurance 13,599,003 £143,469,484.24
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.