Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
07-Feb-25  Buy Dividends Esther Lee $48.55 7 $280.24
06-Aug-24  Buy Kathleen DeRose $42.91 700 $24,768.52
19-Jul-24  Buy Dividends Esther Lee $45.27 7 $261.31
25-Jun-24  Buy Esther Lee $46.73 834 $32,137.23
14-Jun-24  Buy Lloyd Pitchford 3,717.37p 19,090 £709,646.49

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
10-Jun-24  Sell Brian Cassin 3,639.60p 92,396 £3,362,848.33
10-Jun-24  Sell Lloyd Pitchford 3,639.60p 57,039 £2,075,993.61
10-Jun-24  Sell Craig Boundy 3,639.60p 54,068 £1,967,860.99
14-Jun-24  Buy Brian Cassin 3,717.37p 28,937 £1,075,696.19
14-Jun-24  Buy Lloyd Pitchford 3,717.37p 19,090 £709,646.49

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Brian Cassin 1,282,805 £50,555,344.85
Lloyd Pitchford 592,327 £23,343,606.98
Mike Rogers 16,787 £661,575.67
Alison Brittain 12,500 £492,625.00
Caroline Donahue 10,000 £394,100.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Harris Associates L.P. 48,083,995 £1,894,990,235.61
Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited 47,945,271 £1,889,523,122.79
Massachusetts Financial Services Company 46,525,953 £1,833,587,800.63
BlackRock Inc 46,504,061 £1,832,725,036.91
WCM Investment Management, LLC 46,017,010 £1,813,530,357.08
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.