Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
25-Oct-24  Buy Dividends Emma Tinker 256.00p 7 £17.92
11-Jul-24  Buy Dividends Emma Tinker 254.00p 14 £35.56
13-Jun-24  Exercise of option Fran Woodward 178.00p 5,229 £9,307.62
13-Jun-24  Exercise of option Rupert Sanderson 178.00p 5,789 £10,304.42
16-Apr-24  Buy Rupert Sanderson 244.00p 4,800 £11,712.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
16-Apr-24  Buy Nigel Pocklington 245.00p 10,000 £24,500.00
16-Apr-24  Buy Rupert Sanderson 244.00p 4,800 £11,712.00
13-Jun-24  Exercise of option Rupert Sanderson 178.00p 5,789 £10,304.42
27-Mar-24  Buy Nemone Louise Wynn-Evans nee Bridges 271.50p 3,640 £9,882.60
13-Jun-24  Exercise of option Fran Woodward 178.00p 5,229 £9,307.62

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Will Whitehorn 60,000 £289,200.01
Rupert Sanderson 22,123 £106,632.86
Nigel Pocklington 19,500 £93,990.00
Nemone Louise Wynn-Evans nee Bridges 13,140 £63,334.80
Timothy Jones 9,489 £45,736.98
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Ecotricity Group Ltd 4,740,091 £22,847,239.43
Michael Cohen and Elliott Goodman 2,946,318 £14,201,253.27
Cazenove Capital Management Limited 2,650,912 £12,777,396.30
Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 1,139,194 £5,490,915.28
Schroders plc 743,874 £3,585,472.81
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.