Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Feb-25  Sell Jonathan James Sykes 205.00p 4,818 £9,876.90
20-Dec-24  Buy Peter Mawson 231.20p 13,200 £30,518.40
20-Dec-24  Sell Peter Mawson 231.00p 13,200 £30,492.00
27-Jun-24  Sell Darren Littlewood 206.39p 9,811 £20,248.64
27-Jun-24  Sell Timothy Andrew Roberts 206.39p 19,387 £40,012.27

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
29-Apr-24  Buy Timothy Andrew Roberts 182.26p 34,812 £63,448.35
29-Apr-24  Buy Darren Littlewood 182.26p 22,615 £41,219.21
27-Jun-24  Sell Timothy Andrew Roberts 206.39p 19,387 £40,012.27
20-Dec-24  Buy Peter Mawson 231.20p 13,200 £30,518.40
20-Dec-24  Sell Peter Mawson 231.00p 13,200 £30,492.00

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Timothy Andrew Roberts 1,177,803 £2,402,718.08
Darren Littlewood 521,472 £1,063,802.86
Jonathan James Sykes 15,182 £30,971.28
Peter Mawson 13,200 £26,928.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Rysaffe Nominees and J J Sykes 20,532,155 £41,885,595.42
David John Gladman 14,760,550 £30,111,521.44
The London & Amsterdam Trust Company Limited 8,487,371 £17,314,236.52
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc 8,290,725 £16,913,078.68
Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited 8,074,925 £16,472,846.69
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.