Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
09-Sep-24  Sell Victoria Hyde 369.40p 647 £2,390.05
19-Aug-24  Buy Henry Daubeney 381.66p 20,000 £76,332.00
14-May-24  Exercise of option Andy Golding 229.01p 7,859 £17,998.13
15-Apr-24  Sell April Talintyre 378.71p 18,415 £69,739.34
15-Apr-24  Sell Andy Golding 378.71p 28,042 £106,197.69

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
15-Apr-24  Sell Andy Golding 378.71p 28,042 £106,197.69
20-Mar-24  Sell Andy Golding 378.15p 27,324 £103,325.44
19-Aug-24  Buy Henry Daubeney 381.66p 20,000 £76,332.00
20-Mar-24  Sell April Talintyre 378.15p 18,587 £70,286.56
15-Apr-24  Sell April Talintyre 378.71p 18,415 £69,739.34

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Andy Golding 69,877 £276,573.16
David Weymouth 35,592 £140,873.13
Simon Walker 25,000 £98,950.00
Henry Daubeney 20,000 £79,160.00
Rajan Kapoor 19,970 £79,041.26
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
OSB Holdco Ltd. 73,814,299 £292,156,991.36
Old Mutual Plc 36,560,557 £144,706,682.58
Aggregate of abrdn plc 24,874,897 £98,454,840.95
Elliott Capital Advisors L.P. 22,197,844 £87,859,065.32
Elliott Investment Management, L.P 22,197,844 £87,859,065.32
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.