Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
14-Jun-24  Buy Mike Felton 0.08p 33,332,006 £24,999.00
13-Jun-24  Buy Stephen Williams 0.07p 40,000,000 £27,920.00
13-Jun-24  Sell Sachin Oza 0.06p 16,744,286 £9,627.96
13-Jun-24  Buy Sachin Oza 0.07p 135,714,288 £95,000.00
13-Jun-24  Buy Sachin Oza 0.07p 25,000,000 £16,625.00

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
13-Jun-24  Buy Sachin Oza 0.07p 135,714,288 £95,000.00
13-Jun-24  Buy Stephen Williams 0.07p 40,000,000 £27,920.00
14-Jun-24  Buy Mike Felton 0.08p 33,332,006 £24,999.00
13-Jun-24  Buy Sachin Oza 0.07p 25,000,000 £16,625.00
13-Jun-24  Sell Sachin Oza 0.06p 16,744,286 £9,627.96

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Sachin Oza 219,720,298 £115,353.15
Jeremy Edelman 169,000,000 £88,725.00
Stephen Williams 87,304,697 £45,834.96
Mike Felton 58,572,605 £30,750.62
Anthony John Samaha 7,818,182 £4,104.55
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Premier Miton Group PLC 887,831,346 £466,111.44
Robert Price 478,354,460 £251,136.08
Chelverton Asset Management 461,576,116 £242,327.45
FIL Limited 424,348,933 £222,783.18
Killik & Co LLP 410,150,000 £215,328.74
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.