Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
29-Nov-24  Buy Deborah Rabey 62.60p 20,663 £12,935.04
27-Nov-24  Sell Paul Baker 60.80p 319,586 £194,308.28
27-Nov-24  Sell Paul Baker 60.80p 99,247 £60,342.17
27-Nov-24  Sell Jonathan Bunting 60.80p 145,065 £88,199.52
13-Nov-24  Sell Jonathan Bunting 61.03p 490,569 £299,382.48

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
05-Nov-24  Sell Jonathan Bunting 60.56p 1,183,423 £716,680.97
13-Nov-24  Sell Jonathan Bunting 61.03p 490,569 £299,382.48
27-Nov-24  Sell Paul Baker 60.80p 319,586 £194,308.28
27-Nov-24  Sell Jonathan Bunting 60.80p 145,065 £88,199.52
27-Nov-24  Sell Paul Baker 60.80p 99,247 £60,342.17

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Jonathan Bunting 2,322,118 £1,588,328.75
Paul Baker 754,377 £515,993.88
David Blackwood 249,926 £170,949.39
Denise Collis 33,982 £23,243.69
Deborah Rabey 20,663 £14,133.49
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
Aberforth Partners LLP 42,612,667 £29,147,064.88
FORUM Family Office Value Fund (SICAV) 22,080,493 £15,103,057.55
M&G Plc 13,218,716 £9,041,601.95
FIL Limited 12,312,375 £8,421,664.69
Silchester International Investors Limited 12,307,204 £8,418,127.72
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.