Latest deals

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
12-Dec-24  Buy Dividends Mark Castle 126.29p 1,738 £2,194.91
09-Dec-24  Buy Chris Carney 128.23p 117 £150.03
09-Dec-24  Buy Jennie Daly 128.23p 117 £150.03
28-Nov-24  Buy Chris Carney 131.03p 15,265 £20,001.64
28-Nov-24  Buy Jennie Daly 131.03p 16,915 £22,163.62

Largest deals (365 days)

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Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value
28-Mar-24  Buy Jennie Daly 140.65p 132,448 £186,288.11
28-Feb-24  Sell Chris Carney 133.89p 114,431 £153,211.66
28-Feb-24  Sell Jennie Daly 133.89p 104,503 £139,919.06
25-Mar-24  Buy Chris Carney 140.65p 89,128 £125,358.53
28-Nov-24  Buy Jennie Daly 131.03p 16,915 £22,163.62

Director Shareholdings

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Notifier Holding Value*
Jennie Daly 164,369,718 £195,353,417.52
Robert Noel 295,446 £351,137.58
Irene Dorner 164,952 £196,045.46
Chris Carney 153,329 £182,231.52
Jitesh Gadhia 100,000 £118,850.00
* Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.

Major Shareholdings

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Notifier** Holding Value
BlackRock, Inc. 381,199,029 £453,055,063.78
The Capital Group Companies, Inc 164,394,078 £195,382,369.39
The Capital Group Companies 162,653,912 £193,314,182.01
JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Limited 159,600,000 £189,684,607.46
FMR LLC 156,900,127 £186,475,808.27
** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.