The Edinburgh Investment Trust plc is a United Kingdom-based investment trust. The Company's investment objective is to invest primarily in United Kingdom securities with the long-term objective of achieving an increase of the net asset value per share in excess of the growth in the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) All-Share Index, and growth in dividends per share in excess of the rate of United Kingdom inflation. The Company primarily invests in companies quoted on a recognized stock exchange in the United Kingdom. The Company also invests up to 20% of the portfolio in securities listed on stock exchanges outside the United Kingdom. It invests across various sectors, such as oil, gas and coal; personal care, drug and grocery stores; aerospace and defense; pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; banks; industrial metals and mining; industrial transportation; industrial support services, and others.
Key Personnel
Elisabeth Stheeman
Senior Independent Director:
Aidan Lisser
Independent Non-Executive Director:
Patrick Edwardson, Steve Baldwin, Annabel Tagoe-Bannerman
Contact Details
First Floor , 9 Haymarket Square ,Edinburgh, United Kingdom