Director dealings: Greatland Gold CEO offloads shares
Greatland Gold
17:15 07/01/25
Greatland Gold revealed on Friday that chief executive Gervaise Heddle had disposed of 3.5m ordinary shares in the AIM-listed exploration and development firm.
16:44 07/01/25
FTSE AIM All-Share
16:54 07/01/25
17:14 07/01/25
Heddle, who exercised options over 5.0m ordinary shares at a price of 2.0p each earlier in the day, sold the shares on Thursday at an average price of 14.60p each, for a total value of £510,999.99.
Back in June, Greenland updated the market on Newcrest's drilling campaign at its Havieron deposit, in the Paterson region of Western Australia, reporting "exceptional" drill results.
Greatland said the results further demonstrated improved continuity in the high-grade crescent sulphide zone, and extended the strike length of mineralisation to 550 metres in the upper 200 metres of that zone.
As of 1645 BST, Greenland shares were up 1.77% at 14.35p.
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