Meticulous Midwest Political Biography Featured in LibraryBub Selection for January
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Patrick O'Brien puts forward the idea that political biographers either "present their subjects as extraordinary and omnipotent" or as "individuals whose characteristics and actions form the basis of generalizations about the government of the day". Stephen L. Wilson's South Dakota Crusader brings attention to the extraordinary character of Francis Case, member of the Congress from 1937 to 1962. Acclaimed by the Midwest Book Review, "this portrait offers an inspiring example of resilience, decency and purposeful living in the expanding ideological and media landscapes of the 20th century." The reviewer considers it "a well-deserved tribute and a testament to honor in American governance". K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite appraises it as "a compelling biography that sheds light on an often-overlooked figure in American political history, offering valuable lessons and inspiration for readers interested in leadership, perseverance and civic engagement".
LibraryBub is an industry first. Established in 2015, it works in conjunction with all major libraries. It is dedicated to making strong, mutual connections between indie and small-press authors and an extensive network of libraries. The core commitment of the LibraryBub service is to help librarians to identify acclaimed books from the independent publishing sector. LibraryBub introduces thousands of librarians to bestselling and award-winning books from the independent publishing sector. These books hold immense potential for enhancing the lives of their readers. Novelist Urve Tamberg reflects on her childhood. "Growing up as an only child, I loved books and stories. I won't be cliche and say that books were my only friends; they weren't. But I was the child who went to the library on a sunny summer day. My mother constantly told me to go outside and play. I had a plan to read all the books in the library, starting with the authors whose last name started with A. I'm still working on that." Librarians enable writers to make that kind of difference to people's lives, and LibraryBub CEO Alinka Rutkowska considers it a privilege to support them in that role.
Below is this month's selection by category.
Literature & Fiction
The Golden Manuscripts (Book Six of the Between Two Worlds series) by Evy Journey ISBN: 978-0996247498
Biographies & Memoirs
Next Step: a predicted death defeated by love by Sandra Poppenga ISBN: 978-1637352502
South Dakota Crusader: Francis Case's road to Congress (Book One of the South Dakota Patriots series) by Stephen L. Wilson ISBN: 978-0978960018
Chaos by Design by Kader Sakkaria, Imran Karbhari and Trevor Macomber ISBN: 978-1637350041
CIONET Cookbook No. 2: recipes for digital success by Hendrik Deckers ASIN: B0BZGXD7JS
The CyberSecurity Leadership Handbook for the CISO and the CEO by Jean-Christophe Gaillard ISBN: 978-1637351864
Deep Finance: corporate finance in the information age by Glenn Hopper ISBN: 978-1637351246
The 80 Percent Project by Andy Allen ISBN: 978-1637353608
The Happy Leader: a leadership fable about transformation in business and in life by Shawn Sukhraj Johal ISBN: 978-1637350515
How To Avoid Strangers on Airplanes: survival guide for the frequent business traveler by Brandon C. Blewett ISBN: 979-8339626329
How To Become an Effective Leader by Michael Brainard ISBN: 978-1637351697
Inevitable Revolutions by Aaron Vick ISBN: 978-1637350218
Investing in Gemstones: securing your wealth with the world's most beautiful commodity by Thomas Schröck ISBN: 978-1637352953
Own Success: a proven method to succeed in business with a franchise by Dan Citrenbaum ISBN: 978-1637351765
Strides to Blissful Leadership: how to succeed in business and life by Arvind Sharma ISBN: 978-1637351758
Succeed the Right Way: what every compassionate business person must know by Paul L. Gunn, Jr. ISBN: 978-1637350942
10x Leader: how great leaders multiply outcomes through transformational learning by Stephanie Crowe ISBN: 978-1637352175
Trade Works: the trade finance investor by Andreas Schweitzer ISBN: 978-1637352328
We Have Nothing To Lose: a dark optimist's call to action by Ralph H. Groce III ISBN: 978-1637353257
Work Done Right: using systems thinking to guide your digital transformation by Matthew Kleiman ISBN: 978-1637352915
You Can Thank Me Later: start-up secrets I wish I knew by Laura Sabia ISBN: 978-1637352571
Science & Math
Overcoming Obstacles: from elite athletes to everyday people, the unlimited possibilities of modern sports medicine and research by Rakshith Srinivasan ISBN: 978-1637352267
The Ladies Playbook: how to get your way with a man by Melanie Joy Vertalino ISBN: 979-8330624683
LibraryBub's Alinka Rutkowska "is an octopus" in the opinion of writer Mike Oborn, having "one of those rare minds that radiates out in multiple directions, senses relationships, and begins assembling parts and pieces that fit together." The author of Toward Happier Choices says, "It may be that she belongs in that section of my book dedicated to exceptional people that have had a remarkable influence on my life."
Independent publishers are invited to sign up for LibraryBub at to submit their books for consideration.
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