VH Global Energy Infrastructure - Overview

VH Global Energy Infrastructure is focused on making sustainable energy infrastructure investments that have a high value impact and align with the United Nations sustainable development goals. The Company is seeking to raise up to £400 million by way of an initial placing and offer for subscription of ordinary shares of 1 pence each in the capital of the Company at an issue price of 100 pence per Ordinary Share.


Key Personnel

Chairman: Bernard J Bulkin
Senior Independent Director: Richard Horlick
Independent Non-Executive Director: Daniella Carneiro, Margaret Stephens, Louise Kingham, OBE
Vice Chairman and CEO: Patrick Firth

Contact Details

Address: 6th Floor,125 London Wall, London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7129 1141
Website: http://www.globalenergyinfrastructure.co.uk/


Sector: Investment Firms, Investment Firms
Main Indices: FTSE Small Cap, FTSE All-Share