Latest deals slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 29-Oct-24 Buy Christopher Paul Jepps 220.40p 850,000 £1,873,400.00 29-Oct-24 Sell Christopher Paul Jepps 220.00p 850,000 £1,870,000.04 More director deals
Largest deals (365 days) slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 29-Oct-24 Buy Christopher Paul Jepps 220.40p 850,000 £1,873,400.00 29-Oct-24 Sell Christopher Paul Jepps 220.00p 850,000 £1,870,000.04 More director deals
Director Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier Holding Value* Christopher Paul Jepps 2,057,006 £40,111.62 Michael Covington 49,817 £971.43 * Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
Major Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier** Holding Value Octopus Investments Limited 25,000,000 £487,500.01 First Equity Limited 16,300,000 £317,850.01 BGF Investment Management Limited 12,300,000 £239,850.00 Hargreaves Lansdown Plc 10,200,000 £198,900.00 Cantor Fitzgerald Europe 6,518,750 £127,115.63 ** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.