Latest deals slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 08-Nov-24 Sell Guy Millward 393.29p 4,150 £16,321.63 18-Oct-24 Sell Guy Millward 380.00p 72,134 £274,109.20 18-Oct-24 Sell Mark Milner 380.00p 101,387 £385,270.60 More director deals
Largest deals (365 days) slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 18-Oct-24 Sell Mark Milner 380.00p 101,387 £385,270.60 18-Oct-24 Sell Guy Millward 380.00p 72,134 £274,109.20 08-Nov-24 Sell Guy Millward 393.29p 4,150 £16,321.63 More director deals
Director Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier Holding Value* Mark Milner 157,884 £536,805.62 Martin William Howard Morgan 90,000 £306,000.01 William Macpherson 10,000 £34,000.00 Helen Sachdev 10,000 £34,000.00 * Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
Major Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier** Holding Value Aberforth Partners LLP 20,402,710 £69,369,215.95 Aggregate of Standard Life Aberdeen plc 8,713,750 £29,626,750.83 The Wellcome Trust Limited 5,682,400 £19,320,160.54 Strategic Equity Capital Plc 5,626,167 £19,128,968.34 The Wellcome Trust Limited as trustee of The Wellcome Trust 5,402,408 £18,368,187.72 ** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.