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Latest News
13 Nov
Casa Blanca, Estados Unidos
Bonds: Gilts remain under pressure

These were the movements in some of the most widely-followed 10-year sovereign bond yields:.

13 Nov
usa, america, liberty, statue, eeuu, us
US close: Dow Industrials clocks in with biggest gain in five years

Wall Street ended the week on a mixed note but only after a post-election surge that saw the biggest weekly gains for the main equity benchmarks for several years.

13 Nov
Sunday newspaper round-up: Brexit plans, TTIP, inflation, Tesco, Chappell arrested

Theresa May is likely to outline the Government’s negotiating priorities on Brexit in a speech to business bosses next week. The Prime Minister is expected to outline what relationship Whitehall is seeking sector-by-sector when she speaks to the Confederation of British Industry a week tomorrow. - Mail on Sunday.

13 Nov
talktalk telecom talk talk
Sunday share tips: Majestic Wine, TalkTalk, Vodafone, Van Elle

Buy Majestic Wine shares, recommended the Sunday Times' Inside the City column, after their halving over the last two years. New chief executive Rowan Gormley took over with a turnaround objective after a series of profit warnings, the latest in September. He has set a target of driving sales around £100m higher to above £500m in three years' time, with a return to dividends in 2017.