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Latest News
03 Mar
ashtead aplant
Sunday share tips: Ashtead, Emmerson

In his ‘Inside the City’ column for the Sunday Times this week, Tommy Stubbington claimed Ashtead was one of the many beneficiaries of the so-called ‘sharing economy’ - even if the notion of a sharing economy doesn’t usually consist of diesel-powered generators and cement mixers.

03 Mar
Sunday newspaper round-up: Brexit, Vale, John Lewis, Huawei, TalkTalk, Revolut

Tory Brexiteers have delivered peace terms to Theresa May, outlining the price she must pay to secure their support for her Brexit deal in the crunch Commons showdown within days. The European Research Group (ERG) of hardliners, led by Jacob Rees-Mogg, have drawn up “three tests” the government must meet if the prime minister hopes to win the vote due as early as this week. - The Sunday Times.