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30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy8wowjmnjaxnmfmogrjmgfmodrmm2zmodg2ndi1zdfkmy5qcgc
‘Multi-threaded’ Blockchain Solana Receives $18 Million in Funding

Solana claims to be the first “multi-threaded” blockchain capable of processing 50,000 TPS across a network of 200 nodes.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy8wzmjlyznmzjk1mgrmmwrhnzewzmzkzwiwzjvin2uwyi5qcgc
Capital One Hack Exposes 100 Million Accounts as Bitcoin Unaffected

The massive-scale hack of major United States credit card issuer Capital One has left the personal data of over 100 million individuals exposed.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy9lyze4odfjngmyowexmjfmmtm1mjuznzu1yzm4nwi4ms5qcgc
30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy9hmwy0yta2mtzlnwnizdnkngi5yjc2nmvmmmzhzmrmyi5qcgc
Bitcoin Lightning Network Works on Liquid Sidechain, Blockstream Confirms

Blockstream includes Lightning Network support after Tether addition.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy84nzvizge5yjayzdnlotdlmtcyzwjinmrintviyteyzc5qcgc
Bitcoin Price Circles $9,500 as Futures Settlements Form New Bear Factor

Bitcoin price eyeing catalysts for change as stagnant trading continues.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy8wnzi4yjbkyzy4mdiymmqxnjq4ogu5mwniyznjmjk4oc5qcgc
Project Manager at Square Crypto Stresses Focus on Bitcoin in Twitter AMA

Steve Lee says Square Crypto’s goal is “Bitcoin for all,” but other complementary tech and use cases may receive attention too.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy8zngu0nmfknty3y2i3yjljyzblzjc3y2jlnjc3yjg2mc5qcgc
US Defense Dept. to Experiment With Blockchain-Based Security

The U. S. Department of Defense has put blockchain on its four-year roadmap for cybersecurity improvements.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy9hytcxnwy1mdc1zthizgziywqzndu3mjg5nzdmzjrioc5qcgc
Head of SEC Enforcement Dept. for Cryptocurrency, Cyber Security Resigns

The chief of the SEC Division of Enforcement's Cyber Unit has resigned, after around two years of leading investigations involving crypto and cyber security.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy9mzjhmmgvjmjq2zmexzdjimjbjyzvhzmjlmzi1yziwni5qcgc
Chile-Based Remittance and Payment Firm CurrencyBird Joins RippleNet

CurrencyBird has reportedly become the first Chilean remittances company to the join RippleNet platform.

30 Jul
528 ahr0chm6ly9zmy5jb2ludgvszwdyyxbolmnvbs9zdg9yywdll3vwbg9hzhmvdmlldy83ngexztfhmju2zjm4mzzjnmqznjviotgxmjqyodfhzs5qcgc
Blockchain Startup Nets $2.4 Million in Public Funding to Fight Food Slavery

A food supply-tracking blockchain firm that aims to fight modern slavery in the industry receives $2. 4 million in public funding in Australia.