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Directors' Dealings
31 Dec
dl seeing machines ltd aim technology hardware and equipment electronic components logo 20221222
Director dealings: Man Group non-exec invests, Seeing Machines discloses several transactions

Two notable director dealings disclosed to the London market on Tuesday involved transactions in shares of Man Group and Seeing Machines.

30 Dec
dl crh ftse 100 industrials construction and materials cement logo
Director dealings: CRH, Invinity insiders invest in shares

Two significant director dealings disclosed to the London market on Monday involved insiders in CRH and Invinity Energy Systems.

27 Dec
dl canal  canalplus canal plus can consumer discretionary media media radio and tv broadcasters lse logo 20241216 1105
Director dealings: Canal+, Optima Health executives acquire shares

Among the director dealing disclosures reported to the London market on Friday were two detailing share acquisitions by senior executives at Canal+ and Optima Health.