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Economic News
03 Jul
ep copas bebida alcoholica noche marcha
Government to lift duty freeze on fuel and alcohol to help fund NHS

The government is considering lifting freezes on fuel and alcohol duties in order to cover the boost in NHS funding that it had recently promised.

03 Jul
China pressures EU for anti-US trade alliance

Brussels is under pressure from China to form an alliance against US President Donald Trump’s aggressive trade policies, according to European officials.

03 Jul
article50 theresa may
Tory row intensifies over plan for post-Brexit customs deal

Tensions within the government are growing ahead of the crunch Brexit cabinet meeting the Prime Minister is due to oversee at the end of the week, with plans for a customs deal riling Tory Brexiters who demand a clean break from the bloc.

03 Jul
article50 theresa may
Government failing to answer big Brexit questions, says BCC

The government's failure to answer the big questions about Brexit is putting business investment at risk, the British Chambers of Commerce said.

03 Jul
ep ninos corriendo
UK low-income families hit by rising living costs struggle to make ends meet

Low-income families need a third more disposable income than a decade ago to cover childcare, transport, and energy costs, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals in a report.

03 Jul
bank of england
BoE monitors banks' capital buffers against looming risks

The Bank of England's financial policy committee has raised concerns about the adequacy of banks' protection against losses as risks loom in the economy.

03 Jul
berkeley group housebuilding construction
UK construction sector continues to rebound - Markit survey

UK construction industry activity continued to improve in June, reaching its highest level in seven months.

03 Jul
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Merkel strikes migration deal with CSU to averts coalition crisis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has averted a political crisis and saved her government coalition after agreeing a deal on migration with Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union.

03 Jul
Trump tariffs put US jobs under threat, US businesses warn

US President Donald Trump’s new trade policies could potentially trigger a full-blown trade war with former commercial allies that puts 2. 6m US jobs at risk, the US Chamber of Commerce warned as it stepped into the debate overnight.