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Fidelity Top Stories
27 Feb
mini john cooper works clubman
Brexit fallout leaves BMW considering alternatives for Mini plant

Britain's decision to leave the European Union is a factor in BMW's doubts over whether to make electrically-powered Minis in its Oxford factory.

27 Feb
SNP may seek new independence referendum

Reports that the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) could call for a second referendum on independence after Prime Minister Theresa May triggers Article 50, the two year clock on formal negotiations with the European Union, sent the pound tumbling on Monday morning.

27 Feb
Trump to push for huge increase in US military spending, defence stocks spike

US President Donald Trump plans to push ahead with a budget that includes a £54bn, or 9%, rise in spending on armed forces, with an equivalent cut for spending on domestic agencies.

27 Feb
Consumers to feel pain of injury payout changes as insurers take hits

Consumers face higher insurance premiums after a bigger-than-expected cut by the government in the discount rate to calculate personal injury claim awards led to insurers facing one-off write downs.