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Fidelity Top Stories
21 Jun
chancellor philip hammond
Government borrowing falls to lowest since financial crisis

Public borrowing in the first two months of the financial year fell to the lowest level since 2007 as the government received more in tax revenue.

20 Jun
theresa-may 20170609131622
Government compromise sees May victorious in 'meaningful vote' scrap

Theresa May’s government has managed to see off a rebellion in The House of Commons, seeing the ‘meaningful vote’ amendment defeated after once again making concessions on the subject.

20 Jun
21 century fox logo
Disney makes fresh bid for Fox, sending Sky higher

Sky shares spiked on Wednesday as 21st Century Fox agreed a new deal for Disney to acquire most of its entertainment assets.

20 Jun
Commons gears up for another 'meaningful vote' showdown

The much touted ‘Brexit showdown’ will take place on Wednesday at 1430 BST as The House of Commons vote on parliament’s role in the UK’s exit from the European Union.

20 Jun
Housing, housebuilding, homes, construction
Berkeley sees lower profit after performance peaks

Berkeley Group said it expected profit to fall by 30% in its current financial year as the benefits of buying land at low prices fade for the London-focused housebuilder.

19 Jun
theresa-may 20170609131622
May to reject 'meaningful vote' proposal, setting up Commons showdown

Theresa May is poised to reject a proposal that would hand parliament more power over Brexit, setting the government on a collision course with MPs who want to avoid a 'no deal' Brexit, according to reports on Tuesday.

19 Jun
england ireland great britain
Leave voters prefer hard Irish border to staying in customs union, poll finds

Two thirds of leave voters in the Brexit referendum prefer a hard Irish border to not leaving the customs union after the divorce.

19 Jun
Significant policy accommodation "still needed", ECB's Draghi says

European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi sounded a confident note on the outlook for inflation on Tuesday, despite the multiple sources of uncertainty surrounding the outlook for growth.

19 Jun
White House readies $400bn-worth of possible tariffs on Chinese made goods

President Donald Trump instructed his country's Trade Representative to identify another $200bn-worth of goods on which to levy 10% tariffs.

18 Jun
theresa may bankindependence
May's Brexit plans face Wednesday showdown

The House of Lords is set to vote down the government’s Brexit bill and the “meaningful vote” on Monday setting up a showdown with rebel lawmakers in the Commons on Wednesday.

18 Jun
china usa
China hits US with reciprocal tariffs as media attacks 'fool' Trump

China has retaliated and hit US with $34bn tariffs on over 600 products including whiskey, electrical cars and soy, while state media attacked the US president Donald Trump’s actions.

15 Jun
Trump set to impose $50bn tariffs on Chinese goods

US President Donald Trump decided to impose $50bn tariffs on Chinese products despite warnings from some corners that it risked provoking a trade war.

14 Jun
draghi bce junio 2017
ECB announces end of QE, interest rates to be unchanged at least through mid-2019

The European Central Bank has decided to end its asset purchase programme at the end of 2018, although interest rates will remain at their current levels - at least - "through" the summer of 2019.

14 Jun
May's government risks collapse over 'meaningful vote' dispute

Theresa May’s government is in danger of crumbling if party rebels defeat her Brexit deal with the EU, a senior Tory MP has warned.

14 Jun
trump kim
US will not lift sanctions on North Korea until 'complete denuclearisation'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a conference in Seoul with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts on Thursday that the US would not lift economic sanctions on North Korea until the "complete denuclearisation" of the country.

14 Jun
shopping, retail, high street
UK retail sales rally more than expected

UK retail sales increased more than expected last month, thanks to boosts from warmer weather, the royal wedding and FA Cup, the Office for National Statistics said.

13 Jun
White House set to move ahead with tariffs on Chinese goods

The US may levy tariffs on tens of billions of dollars-worth of Chinese-made goods over the next week, perhaps as soon as Friday.

13 Jun
Copa Mundo FIFA
USA, Mexico and Canada to host 2026 World Cup

The 2026 World Cup will be held in The United States, Mexico and Canada after their joint bid beat Morocco’s in a vote by FIFA member nations on Wednesday.

13 Jun
bank of england
UK inflation stalls to weaken case for August rate rise

Inflation was unchanged at 2. 4% in May, further weakening the case for the Bank of England to increase interest rates in August.

12 Jun
Chinese credit growth slowest since 2006 in May

The flow of credit in the Chinese economy reached its lowest ebb since 2006 last month, as borrowing by local governments slowed.