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Financial Diary
31 Mar
Week ahead: US non-farm payrolls, Federal Reserve in focus

The US will likely continue to be in the spotlight over the coming week, although this time around investors' attention will be more evenly split between the incoming economic data and the ebb and flow of speeches and reports concerning the US central bank.

24 Mar
Week ahead: Stage set for Parliament to approve Brexit

Great Britain will formally announce its decision to exit the European Union this week, on Wednesday, kick-starting two years of negotiations with the bloc.

17 Mar
Week ahead: Fed speakers, manufacturing data in focus

Anyone hoping for a respite from central bank-watch may be sorely disappointed next week.

10 Mar
theresa may trump
Week ahead: Article 50, central bank decisions in focus

On 15 March, the Prime Minister may trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, marking the start of up to two years of negotiations on Britain's terms for leaving the bloc.

03 Mar
Week ahead: China, Spring budget, ECB and US jobs report in focus

The coming week will kick-off early as China's National People's Congress begins, with premier Li Keqiang set to deliver the opening speech in which he is expected to set out the 2017 growth target for the Asian giant's economy, alongside a detailed policy blueprint.