Aew UK Reit - Overview

The AEW UK team has been providing solutions for institutional investors for over 20 years and has developed a range of funds and segregated accounts to meet their differing needs, from value add strategies to traditional core style total return, a real return strategy and latterly a logistics strategy. The management team has over 20 years working together and is 50% equity owner in the business, through its joint venture with AEW Europe, this ownership over investment process and decision-making, helps deliver a consistent approach through different cycles.


Key Personnel

Non-Executive Chairman: Robin Archibald
Independent Non-Executive Director: Elizabeth (Liz) Peace, Katrina Hart, Mark Kirkland

Contact Details

Address: 29 Wellington Square, 65, Leeds, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1392 477500


ISIN: GB00BWD24154
Sector: Real Estate, Real Estate
Main Indices: FTSE Small Cap, FTSE All-Share