Henry Boot - Overview

Founded over a century ago, Henry Boot is a UK-focused commercial development and land promotion company. The Sheffield-based group boasts its own land bank and caters to both private and public sector clients, buying or selling investment properties and providing constructors with plant equipment. It also refurbishes and constructs buildings. Its business is mainly centred on the North East and Midlands. The Henry Boots Group includes Halland Land Management Limited, Henry Boot Developments, Stonebridge Projects, Henry Boot Construction, Banner Plant Limited and Road Link (A69).

Registrars: Capita Registrars

Key Personnel

CEO: Timothy Andrew Roberts
Non-Executive Director: Talita Ferreira , Jonathan James Sykes
Non-Executive Chairman: Peter Mawson
Senior Independent Director: Serena Lang
Group Finance Director: Darren Littlewood

Contact Details

Address: Isaacs Building, 4 Charles Street, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)114 255 5444
Website: http://www.henryboot.co.uk


ISIN: GB0001110096
Sector: Real Estate, Real Estate
Main Indices: FTSE Small Cap, FTSE All-Share