Polarean Imaging - Overview

Polarean is a clinical-stage company with a core technology that is a drug-device combination product that enables the visualisation of hyperpolarised 129Xe ("HPX") using MRI technology to help diagnose lung disease earlier, identify the type of intervention likely to benefit a patient, and to monitor the efficacy of treatment. It is currently being used at a number of research sites on a pre-FDA clearance basis to facilitate the research and evaluation of lung function, to assist in making improved disease progression assessment and to clearly visualise the effectiveness of several therapeutics which are under development.

Competitors: SDI Group , Physiomics, EKF Diagnostics Holdings

Key Personnel

CEO: Christopher von Jako
CFO: Charles Osborne
Non-Executive Director: Frank Schulkes, Juergen Laucht, Daniel Myron Brague, Cyrille Petit
Non-Executive Chairman: Kenneth West

Contact Details

Address: 27-28 Eastcastle Street,London,United Kingdom
Website: http://polarean.com


Sector: Health Care, Health Care
Main Indices: FTSE AIM All-Share