Facilities by ADF - Overview

Facilities by ADF plc is a provider of premium serviced production facilities to the UK film and High-end Television ("HETV") industry. The Group hires out its facilities to productions throughout the UK and Europe, providing its services to some of the world's largest traditional and on-demand content production companies. Facilities by ADF is the only high volume facilities provider in Europe that is approved by albert, an organisation that measures and assesses the environmental impact of businesses in the film and television industry.

Competitors: Sutton Harbour Group

Key Personnel

CEO: Marsden Proctor
CFO: Neil Evans
Non-Executive Director: Mark Adams
Non-Executive Chairman: Russell Down
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director: Alexandra Innes
Independent Non-Executive Director: Joanne (Jo) Goodson, Vinodha Wijeratne

Contact Details

Address: Ground Floor, 31 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park, Pencoed, Wales, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1656 725560
Website: https://facilitiesbyadf.com/


Sector: Commercial Transport, Commercial Transport
Main Indices: FTSE AIM All-Share