Latest deals slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 10-Mar-25 Exercise of option Andy Torrance 21.00p 270,000 £56,700.00 07-Mar-25 Sell Martyn Graham Page 38.00p 400,000 £152,000.00 More director deals
Largest deals (365 days) slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 07-Mar-25 Sell Martyn Graham Page 38.00p 400,000 £152,000.00 10-Mar-25 Exercise of option Andy Torrance 21.00p 270,000 £56,700.00 More director deals
Director Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier Holding Value* Martyn Graham Page 10,610,000 £3,925,700.05 Steven Crowe 1,500,000 £555,000.01 Sam Copeman 1,000,000 £370,000.00 Andy Torrance 420,000 £155,400.00 Chris Keen 45,475 £16,825.75 * Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
Major Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier** Holding Value Gresham House Asset Management Ltd 20,054,204 £7,420,055.58 BGF Investment Management Limited 11,325,000 £4,190,250.05 Business Growth Fund 11,325,000 £4,190,250.05 M Page 11,010,000 £4,073,700.05 William Hill 9,223,000 £3,412,510.04 ** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.