Latest deals slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 24-Jul-24 Buy Leon Coetzer 6.40p 625,000 £40,000.00 More director deals
Largest deals (365 days) slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 24-Jul-24 Buy Leon Coetzer 6.40p 625,000 £40,000.00 More director deals
Director Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier Holding Value* Leon Coetzer 1,422,810 £52,643.97 Mathews Phosa 1,227,384 £45,413.21 Ollie Oliveira 440,000 £16,280.00 Christopher (Chris) Molefe 100,000 £3,700.00 * Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
Major Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier** Holding Value Slater Investments Ltd. 358,900,153 £13,279,305.83 Hargreaves Lansdown Stockbrokers 262,376,649 £9,707,936.14 ACAM LP 206,447,822 £7,638,569.51 Canaccord Genuity Group INC 149,606,652 £5,535,446.20 FIL Investment International 149,376,954 £5,526,947.37 ** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.