Xaar - Overview

Xaar is the world’s leading independent manufacturer of piezo-based drop-on-demand inkjet technologies. Our printheads are trusted in industrial markets around the globe as the most effective way to lay down precise volumes of inks and fluids with absolute pin-point accuracy time after time.

Registrars: Capita Registrars

Key Personnel

CEO: John Mills
Chairman: Andrew C Herbert
Non-Executive Director: Jacqueline Sutton , Stuart Widdowson
Executive Director: Paul James
Senior Independent Director: Richard Amos
Independent Non-Executive Director: Inken Braunschmidt

Contact Details

Address: 3950 Cambridge Research Park, Waterbeach, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 1223 423663
Website: http://www.xaar.com/en


ISIN: GB0001570810
Sector: Engineering, Engineering
Main Indices: techMARK, FTSE Small Cap, FTSE All-Share, techMARK 100