Latest deals slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 11-Dec-24 Sell Sarah Matthews-DeMers 1,900.00p 18,128 £344,432.00 11-Dec-24 Sell James Routh 1,900.00p 24,170 £459,230.00 More director deals
Largest deals (365 days) slide to see more Traded Action Notifier Price Amount Value 11-Dec-24 Sell James Routh 1,900.00p 24,170 £459,230.00 11-Dec-24 Sell Sarah Matthews-DeMers 1,900.00p 18,128 £344,432.00 More director deals
Director Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier Holding Value* James Routh 63,016 £1,145,315.75 Sarah Matthews-DeMers 30,091 £546,903.90 * Value is calculated by using the current share price multiplied by the amount held.
Major Shareholdings slide to see more Notifier** Holding Value Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 2,277,217 £41,388,417.24 Octopus Investments Nominees Limited 2,229,542 £40,521,924.15 Castlefield Fund Partners Limited 1,978,000 £35,950,148.49 Naemi Best 1,500,000 £27,262,498.86 Rathbone Investments Mgt 1,470,897 £26,733,551.85 ** Major Shareholders are individuals or institutions that own more than 3% of the company’s shares and have been reported in the annual accounts.