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Uses the information solely in relation to the management of their personal funds and not as a trader to the public or for the investment of corporate funds;
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We build high quality homes designed to complement the style of existing local housing in developments that meet local demand and enhance the community. With a range that extends from one-bedroom apartments to six-bedroom family homes, we offer an extensive choice from which customers can choose a property that fits their particular requirements. We also provide homes to housing associations for social housing. We are committed to being a responsible housebuilder. Our aim is to operate our business in an ethical and sustainable manner, while at the same time building attractive, desirable and sustainable developments where customers want to live in harmony with existing communities. Our focus is to provide desirable, family housing across Great Britain and to provide apartments for young professionals predominantly within the London boroughs. Our activity in London is predominantly in the outer London boroughs.
Capita Registrars
Key Personnel
Jason Honeyman
Shane Doherty
Executive Director:
Simon Scougall
Non-Executive Chairman:
John F Tutte
Senior Independent Non-Executive Director:
Sarah Whitney
Independent Non-Executive Director:
Jill Caseberry , Cecily Davis , Ian P McHoul
Contact Details
Woolsington House, Woolsington, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom