NCC Group plc is a United Kingdom-based holding company. The principal activity of the Company is the provision of independent advice and services to customers through the provision of Software Resilience and cyber assurance services. The Company operates through two segments: the Assurance division and the Software Resilience division. The Assurance division includes cyber security service providers that help businesses assess, develop and manage the cyber security risks they face. Through an unrivalled suite of services, it provides organizations with peace of mind that their important assets are protected. The Software Resilience division protects the development, supply and use of business-critical technology and software applications. Its escrow contract services secure in the long-term availability of business-critical software and applications.
Key Personnel
Mike Maddison
Guy Ellis
Non-Executive Chairman:
Christopher M R Stone
Senior Independent Director:
Julie Chakraverty
Independent Non-Executive Director:
Mike Ettling, Lynn Fordham, Jennifer Duvalier
Contact Details
XYZ Building, 2 Hardman Boulevard, Spinningfields, Manchester, United Kingdom