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Market Report
11 Jul
ep tienda superdry store
Thursday newspaper round-up: Reassure, Iran, HSBC, Superdry, Vodafone, Heineken

Boris Johnson’s allies have warned Theresa May that she must not “tie the hands” of her successor by appointing a new ambassador to the United States as one of her final acts in Downing Street. Sir Kim Darroch resigned as Britain’s ambassador to Washington yesterday, saying that it was impossible for him to stay on after President Trump severed relations and described him as stupid, wacky and pompous. - The Times.

11 Jul
Diploma gobbles up Virginia Sealing Products, Workspace Group reports healthy customer demand

London open The FTSE 100 is expected to open 17 points higher on Thursday, having closed down 0. 08% at 7,530. 69 on Wednesday.